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Picture postcards of hospital and grounds

Black and white picture postcards showing interior and exterior shots of the hospital building and grounds, these include: images of communal areas inside the hospital including the library, De lancey lowe room, assembly room, reception hall and staff standing outside of the gate house (c. 1908). Some of the postcards have been used and are addressed to people living at the hospital.

The picture postcards were produced by several different postcard producers including Marshall, Keene & Co, Hove Sussex.

Multiple creators

Printed appeals

Published charitable appeals produced by the hospital, including earliest appeals from the Royal Hospital, 1854-1861. File also includes later printed appeal pamphlets, 1980s-1990s, including introduction to the Evitt Ward produced by the Disabled Trust for Young Disabled, and John Howard's House, Brighton.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Photo album of photographs of the hospital

Photographic album of images of the hospital, taken between 1946-1950, presented as a gift to former secretary, J G Pitcher (1946-1951). Album includes a typescript note, dated December 1951 from [Committee board] to J G Pilcher regarding the gift of the album. The letter is signed by 31 signatories.

Album includes black and white photographs of the exterior building of the hospital, including an aerial photograph, along with images of staff and patients including a garden fete in the hospital gardens.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

RHN Patient and staff handbooks

Handbooks, leaflets, brochures chiefly relating to rules for hospital employees and patients. These include: the 1938 and 1944 editions of the handbook for rules, including salary information for all staff in the latter; a list of rules for patients mounted on card, 1926; patient's handbook, c.1985; patient's handbook, c.1995 and a patient welcome pack, c. 2009.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Photograph of tree removal from the former grounds of the Hospital

Black and white photographs with captions of tree removal from the grounds of the hospital. The photographs document the different stages of the tree removal from the site and seem to be part of the Wandsworth Council scheme for a new housing development on land near Beaumont Road, which was purchased by the council in 1962. Photographs show chopping down of the trees and images of the landscape.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Minutes of the House building and Estates Committee

Incomplete series of minute books of the House Building Estate Committee dating from 1865 to 1879. Manuscript meeting minutes for the weekly committee, which discussed matters chiefly relating to building and household furnishing costs for the hospital, as well as discussing household appointments, new admissions and deaths, patient requests and complaints, medical reports and other activities at the hospitals such as concerts and religious services.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Patient address books

Alphabetical list of patient addresses, ordered by initial admission into hospital. Includes their last known address, address of friends/relatives, date of birth and religion. Patients listed by date of admission from 1890s to 1970. Third volume includes a typescript contact list of people to contact of various religious faiths and philosophies of life.

Published histories of the hospital

Booklets and wall-charts relating to published histories of the Royal Hospital, these include: 'The Royal Hospital and Home for Incurables and its Founder, 1936; Notes & Sketches: Past and Present: A century in the life of the Royal Hospital and Home for Incurables, 1981 and 'A Short History of the Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability, 2004.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Register of patient deaths

Register of deaths of patients from October 1938 to March 1973. Entries include name of the patient, date admitted, case book number, whether they are inmate or pensioner and date of death.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Staff and patient handbooks

Printed staff and patient handbooks and printed guides providing guidance and information for staff and patients about the hospital. The patient handbook provide a guide of the services' and activities available, along with rules regarding visitors, smoking and alcohol, and also contain a floorplan for the hospital.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Register of patient deaths and discharges

Register of deaths of patients from April 1973 to March 2000. Entries include name of the patient, date admitted, case book number, whether they are inmate or pensioner and date of death. Later entries also include additional information of type of care they received, name of hospital ward and funding authorities.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

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