- GB 3544 RHN-AD-05-4
- Item
- 1903-1904
Manuscript list of official visitors to the hospital.
Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
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Manuscript list of official visitors to the hospital.
Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
Official visitor book for visiting Royal and aristocratic dignitaries. Each page has the occasion of their visit written in a calligraphic font and the signature of the visitor. Signatories include: Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom; Diana, Princess of Wales (1961-1997); Andrew Cavendish, Duke of Devonshire (1920-2004); Antonia Douro, Princess Antonia (1955-); Charles, Prince of Wales (1958-); Anne, Princess Royal (1950-) and Edward, the Earl of Wessex (1964-).
Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
Volume containing manuscript list of official visitors to the hospital who visited in 1900 to 1901.
Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
Manuscript list of official visitors to the hospital.
Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
Volume containing list of official visitors to the hospital.
Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
Volumes of official visitors to the hospital, 1899-2010, including signatures of visiting members of the Royal Family including Queen Elizabeth II; Diana, Princess of Wales and Charles, Prince of Wales.
Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
Manuscript list of official visitors to the hospital.
Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
Christmas appeal with an introduction by the Ven[erable] Archdeacon Sinclair. The appeals takes the form of a daily diary written by an unidentified patient at the hospital over the course of the year.
Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
Therapies, services and research
Mixed photographs prints and negatives of various services and therapies, including examples of assistive technology created for patients in the Biomedical Department, 1980s; religious service at the hospital and occupational therapy session activities, such as basket weaving.
Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
The Unseen Good: A summer quest
Christmas appeal of an account of a writer and artist visiting a number of pensioners [hospital outpatients] in their homes. With illustrations.
Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
Christmas appeal by William Scriven, illustrated by and Lancelot Speed and Godfrey Hall. Appeal in the form of letters about visiting pensioners [hospital out-patients] in Worcestershire, Shropshire and Merseyside and the patients from the hospital visiting the hospital's holiday home in St Leonard's on the Sea in East Sussex.
Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
The Royal Hospital and Home for Incurables, Putney Library Catalogue
Printed library catalogue arranged alphabetically by author.
Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
Double page illustrated newsletter for the hospital, including article of Queen Elizabeth II's visit to open the Chatsworth Wing on 19 May 1976.
Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
Christmas appeal for the hospital, that takes the form of dialogues between patients and visitors. Includes illustrations and a donation slip.
Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
Christmas appeal for the hospital. The appeal takes the form of a fictional narrative about fundraising for the hospitals with illustrations by Lewis Baumer. Includes a donation form.
Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
Annual publication containing a fundraising appeal and a list of subscribers to the hospital. Each volume provides a list of senior staff and board members of the charity, constitution, appeal for funding, information about providing a financial contribution, a record of the previous years election results, a list of gifts and bequests received in the previous year and a list of subscribers, in alphabetical order. This list provides the names of the subscribers and their addresses, the number of votes that they held, the date when they began subscribers and whether they were an annual or life subscriber.
Early appeals, 1858 to 1901, include a copy of the annual report and accounts.
Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
Various reports from sub-committees, including admissions, general purpose, staff accommodation, private patients, salaries and wages, appeals, garden and assembly room renovation.
Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability
Internal magazine, 'Journal', including stories, poems, cartoons and jokes by staff and patients.
Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability