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Minutes of the House Committee

Minutes of the House Committee dating from 19 July 1911 to 16 July 1913. The minutes are handwritten and indexed. The volume includes enclosures, including a press cutting of a newspaper job advert for a steward for the hospital, a report by the medical officer on stimulants (alcohol) with patients at the hospital and manuscript tables relating to staff numbers and costs.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Minutes of the House Committee

Manuscript minutes of the House Committee, dated 23 July 1913-31 March 1915. The volume is indexed and also includes manuscript and typescript inserts chiefly relating to garden reports by Walter P Wright.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Minutes of the House Committee

Manuscript minutes of the House Committee, dated 7 April 1915-29 November 1916. The volume is indexed and also includes manuscript and typescript inserts chiefly relating to garden reports by Walter P Wright.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Minutes of the House Committee

Manuscript minutes of the House Committee, dated 16 December 1916 to 19 June 1918. The volume is indexed and also includes manuscript and typescript inserts chiefly relating to letters and reports by Walter P Wright regarding the condition of the hospital garden.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Minutes of the House Committee

Manuscript minutes of the House Committee, dated 13 July 1918 to 10 September 1919. The volume is indexed and also includes manuscript and typescript inserts chiefly relating to letters and reports by Walter P Wright regarding the condition of the hospital garden. The minutes include multiple entries regarding the dismissal and subsequent re-hiring of five male attendants, who were dismissed for being 'conscientious objectors'.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Minutes of the House Committee

Manuscript minutes of the House Committee dating from 17 September 1917 to 12 January 1921. The minutes are indexed and include several enclosures relating to medical reports about patients and papers and brochures relating to the purchase of a new boiler and heating system.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Minutes of the House Committee

Manuscript minutes of House Committee dating from 19 January 1921 to 8 February 1922. Minutes are indexed and includes enclosure relating to a work dispute between the Matron and Assistant Matron and draft revisions of new rules for the Matron and nursing staff.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Minutes of the House Committee

Manuscript meeting minutes of the House Committee dating from 15 February 1922 to 7 February 1923. The minutes are indexed and contains several enclosures including letters relating to patient complaints about treatment at the hospital, request for change in visiting hours by Matron Lucy Begg.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Minutes of the House Committee

Manuscript minutes for House Committee dating for 14 February 1923 to 19 December 1923. Indexed with enclosures including letters from the Hospital chaplain and medical officer.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Minutes of the House Committee

Manuscript meeting minutes of the house committee dating 2 January 1924 to 29 October 1924. Minutes are indexed and several enclosures including typescript letters relating to the resignation of the head gardener.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Minutes of the House Committee

Manuscript minutes of the House Committee of the Hospital for the year, 1925. Minutes are handwritten and the volume contains loose paper inserts of correspondence and memorandum. Indexed. The minutes include reports and press cutting relating to the accidental death of Mabel Agnes Turner, a pantry maid at the hospital; minutes and letters received from and behalf of Mr Luscombe, the long-serving Steward of the Hospital, who was dismissed following embezzling funds from the hospital.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Minutes of the House Committee

Manuscript minutes of the House Committee dating from 18 November 1925 to 8 December 1926. The minutes are indexed and also contains enclosures including a typescript reports on complaints by patients.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Minutes of the House Committee

Manuscript minutes for the House Committee dating from 15 December 1926 to 21 December 1927. The minutes are indexed with various enclosures including papers relating to installing 'wireless' radio at the hospital.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Minutes of the House Committee

Manuscript minutes of the house committee dating from 28 December 1927 to 23 January 1929. Minutes are indexed and include various enclosures including a petition from patients to have the 'wireless' (radio) on late and letter of complaint about a patient at the hospital.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Minutes of the House Committee

Manuscript minutes of the House Committee dating from 30 January 1929 to 26 February 1930. Minutes are indexed with various enclosures, including a request from a patient to visit Germany for treatment including a newspaper clipping of the of the German doctor known as the 'Wizard' of Glaspach.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Minutes of the House Committee

Manuscript minutes of the House Committee dating from 5 March 1930 to 15 April 1931. Indexed and minutes include enclosures including a letter to the Secretary from a patient at the hospital declining his request to help write a appeal.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Minutes of the House Committee

Manuscript minutes of the House Committee dating from 22 April 1931 to 13 July 1932. Indexed and minutes include multiple enclosures including correspondence with Buckingham Palace about arranging a visit by the Queen, 1931.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Minutes of the House Committee

Manuscript minutes of the House Committee dating from 31 January 1934 to 8 May 1935. The minutes are indexed and include various committee papers including reports, letters received and published duties of assistant nurses.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Results 81 to 100 of 538