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Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability With digital objects
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Picture postcards of hospital and grounds

Black and white picture postcards showing interior and exterior shots of the hospital building and grounds, these include: images of communal areas inside the hospital including the library, De lancey lowe room, assembly room, reception hall and staff standing outside of the gate house (c. 1908). Some of the postcards have been used and are addressed to people living at the hospital.

The picture postcards were produced by several different postcard producers including Marshall, Keene & Co, Hove Sussex.

Multiple creators

Pencillings in June

Christmas appeal written by the Rev. Thomas W Aveling D.D., that gives an account of a visit to the hospital. In the pamphlet, the author visits the female and the male wards and communal areas and provides descriptions of some of the patients that he encounters. The volume has an introduction by the Hospital's Secretary, Frederic Andrews, who states that due to the popularity of the pamphlet that it had been reproduced for two years' running.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Cured by an incurable

Christmas appeal by Crowquill Pencilpoint [pseudonym for the author, Rev P B Power] featuring an account of a doctor who takes two of his patients to the hospital where they are cured, including comic illustrations.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Not abandoned

Christmas appeal by the novelist, Halliwell Sutcliffe. The appeal takes the form of a visit to the hospital where the authors meets patients around the hospital. Appeal includes black and white photographs of hospital and patients.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Our pensioners

Christmas appeal [takes the form of letters written about pensioners [out-patients] from clergy, doctors. Illustration on front cover by Lewis Baumer.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

John Howard's Convalescent Home

  • GB 3544 JHH
  • Collection
  • 1920 - 1948

Administrative and financial records relating to John Howard's Convalescent Home, a holiday home for people with complicated physical disabilities established in 1914 by Sir John Howard (c.1830-1917), entrepreneur and railway owner. The home seemed to operate from 1914 to 1947 before being nationalised as part of the new National Health Service. Not much is known about the subsequent twenty years but in 1974 it was taken over by the Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability. The Hospital renovated the premises and the hospital acted as a holiday home and a place for long-term residents. In March 1996, the Hospital closed the Home citing that it had become uneconomical to run and required costly renovation to meet suitable modern standards.

The collection includes admission books, medical reports and accounts for the home dating from 1914-1962.

John Howard's Convalescent Home

Incurables & humour

Christmas appeal for the hospital. Appeals takes the form of a collection of humorous anecdotes from the hospital and from the Board members. Illustrated with a donation slip.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

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