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Part 2

Digital copy of the second part of the Christmas appeal, Cured by an Incurable. 2 of 2.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Friends of an Hour

Christmas appeal by William Scriven. Illustrated by Lancelot Speed and Godfrey Hall. The appeal takes the form of an account of visiting pensioners [hospital out-patients] in the West Country. It is repeat of the previous year's appeal, A Visit to the West Country.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Thoughts of an incurable

Christmas appeal with an introduction by the Ven[erable] Archdeacon Sinclair. The appeals takes the form of a daily diary written by an unidentified patient at the hospital over the course of the year.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Taking round the hat

Christmas appeal for the hospital. The appeal takes the form of a fictional narrative about fundraising for the hospitals with illustrations by Lewis Baumer. Includes a donation form.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Letters from Home

Christmas appeal for the hospital. The appeal takes the form of published impressions of life at the hospital by the patients, along with photographs of patients and staff members.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Lord Paperton and Putney

Christmas appeal for the hospital. The appeal takes the form of an account of a disabled member of the nobility visiting the hospital for the first time. Includes photographs of the hospital grounds and building and donation slip.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Only a sun-dial

Christmas appeal for the hospital. The appeal takes the form of account of some patients and their remarks, and includes illustrations and a donation slip.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Results 81 to 99 of 99