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Various publications produced by the hospital and collected publications relating to the history of the hospital and works of literature previously part of the patient's library. Publications produced by the hospital include internal magazines, newsletters and brochures and leaflets relating to hospital services for patients and their families.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability


Papers relating to fundraising for the hospital including departmental papers from the Fundraising Department and published appeals.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Admissions records

Case books give a description of candidates who applied for home or extra relief from the charity. The manuscript register records the candidates' name, date of birth, residence, disease or affliction and its duration; details of their application and whether they were succeeded. For the candidates' who were admitted into the home the register provides details of when they entered the home and the duration of their time at the home. For those who were admitted as an 'extra' patient or 'pensioner' the register reports when they began receiving financial support and when that support ended. Also, includes a register of patients, 1986-2003.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability


Various papers relating to administration of the hospital, which have been broadly categorised into the following sections: papers relating to governance and establishment of the charity, including constitution, minutes of various executive boards, papers relating to the Royal charter, papers relating to special committees and correspondence to the Board, including letters from Florence Nightingale; records of hospital admissions and patient voting system, including patient case book and list of subscribers to the charity; estate and staff records; records relating to the Chaplaincy and religious services at the hospital and visitor books.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Board minutes

Minutes of the board of management for the Royal Hospital dating from its inception on 31 July 1854 to 14 January 1858. The volumes contains manuscript meeting minutes for the first official meeting of the charity held at Mansion House on 31 July 1854, along with notes from preliminary meetings held in July, copies of initial appeals and the first constitution for the charity. The volume includes an index in alphabetical order at the back of the volume.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Case book, Volume 1

The book give a description of candidates, known as 'cases' who applied for home or extra relief from the charity. The volume contains case numbers 1-500 and dates from 12 October 1854 to 8 September 1859. As the book records 'case' who were admitted into the hospital, the book was regularly updated primarily to record deaths but also contact details of family members or supporters or other remarks. Includes a letter received from an 'extra' patient named Eliza Jules, dated 8 November [1895], regarding a change in her income, and some later notes written in ballpoint pen about early cases at the hospital, c. 1990s.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

  • GB 3544 RHN
  • Collection
  • 1854 - present

The collection spans from its inception in 1854 to the present day and includes records relating to governance, administration, estate, financial, fundraising, medical and research. There is a wide variety of types of records include committee minutes, correspondence, admission case books, domestic ledgers, reports, fundraising pamphlets and audio-visual material and photographs.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Constitution and minutes of the general meetings

Volume containing the first constitution of the charity and minutes from general meetings. The volume contains minutes from the general meeting held at the London Tavern on the 27 November 1854 for the first election to the 84th annual general meeting held on 25 November 1938. Meeting minutes include information about changes in the constitution, board and hospital appointments and other business matters including medical testimonials for the environmental benefits for Coulsden site in 1860; the Hospital's response to the report of the select committee to the House of Lords, which was critical of some aspects of the hospital administration, 1892. Later entries include attached annual reports and other reports and articles presented at the meetings.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Board committee minutes

Bound meeting minutes of the Hospital's Committee Board, who governed the charity. The Board met every fortnight and would make all decisions in relates to policy. When the charity first started the Chairman of the Board was the Treasurer until 1911 when an independent office of chairman was created. The Secretary (now Chief Executive) would prepare the agenda and circulate the minutes to the other committee members.

Committee members for the Board of Management were initially composed of businessmen working in the City of London and later retired military service men, with usually no less than twenty members present at one time.

The meeting minutes are predominantly handwritten but become typescript in the mid 20th century and usually include various inserts of papers discussed during meetings as well as letters and statements transcribed into the minutes.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Minutes of the House Committee

Volumes containing minutes of the House Committee, a weekly committee meeting whose purpose was to make decisions regarding the internal administration of the hospital and its patients. The committee was initially chaired by the Treasurer until 1911 before being replaced by the Chairman and the board would include the Steward, Matron and Chief Medical Officer.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability


Printed appeals, list of charity subscribers and fundraising event literature.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Minutes for annual general meetings

Meeting minutes and reports of annual general meetings for the charity, this includes first meeting held in November 1854, where the constitution of the charity was agreed, as well as reports of proceedings of the general meetings held in 1899-1900.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Printed appeals

Published charitable appeals produced by the hospital, including earliest appeals from the Royal Hospital, 1854-1861. File also includes later printed appeal pamphlets, 1980s-1990s, including introduction to the Evitt Ward produced by the Disabled Trust for Young Disabled, and John Howard's House, Brighton.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability


Various artefacts relating to the history of the hospital and the West Lodge estate, Putney Heath. These can be broadly categorized as the following: house features and signs, including sample of 18th century clay flooring, marble colonnades and early twentieth century light switch; household utensils, such as engraved spoons; medical equipment, assistive technology and early wheelchair; branded lapel badges showing the change of names of the hospital and finally decorative gifts recieved by the hospital, including ornate cups and medals.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

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