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Various artefacts relating to the history of the hospital and the West Lodge estate, Putney Heath. These can be broadly categorized as the following: house features and signs, including sample of 18th century clay flooring, marble colonnades and early twentieth century light switch; household utensils, such as engraved spoons; medical equipment, assistive technology and early wheelchair; branded lapel badges showing the change of names of the hospital and finally decorative gifts recieved by the hospital, including ornate cups and medals.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Board minutes

Minutes of the board of management for the Royal Hospital dating from its inception on 31 July 1854 to 14 January 1858. The volumes contains manuscript meeting minutes for the first official meeting of the charity held at Mansion House on 31 July 1854, along with notes from preliminary meetings held in July, copies of initial appeals and the first constitution for the charity. The volume includes an index in alphabetical order at the back of the volume.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Case book, Volume 1

The book give a description of candidates, known as 'cases' who applied for home or extra relief from the charity. The volume contains case numbers 1-500 and dates from 12 October 1854 to 8 September 1859. As the book records 'case' who were admitted into the hospital, the book was regularly updated primarily to record deaths but also contact details of family members or supporters or other remarks. Includes a letter received from an 'extra' patient named Eliza Jules, dated 8 November [1895], regarding a change in her income, and some later notes written in ballpoint pen about early cases at the hospital, c. 1990s.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Board minutes

Minutes of the board of management of the hospital covering 28 January 1858 to 12 April 1860. Manuscript meeting minutes with an alphabetically arranged index.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Board minutes

Meeting minutes for the Board of Management of the Hospital from 16 April 1860 to 22 August 1861. The manuscript minutes in this volume include an indexed in alphabetical order.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Minutes of the House Committee

Minutes of the House Committee dating from 1 March 1860 to 20 February 1863, including enclosed loose manuscript documents including meeting agenda and letters received, which includes a letter from a hospital candidate requesting admission to the hospital and letters from Matron Eliza Bellringer.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Board minutes

Minutes for the board of management of the Hospital covering the period 12 September 1861 to 14 May 1863. Manuscript meeting meetings with an index arranged alphabetically.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

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